Lisa Taylor

Photo of Lisa Taylor

Lyrics, guitar, voice, and heart come together into one instrument that Lisa handles with the grace that proves the artist; it becomes clear that she is one of those rare people who can communicate, completely, through words and music. She is a 1995 Kerrville New Folk finalist and has appeared on cable television's Metropolitan Magazine and Songwriter Showcase. Lisa has received numerous awards for her songwriting throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, and her debut CD, Sibling Rivalry, has garnered her an astonishing 7 nominations for 1996 Washington Area Music Association (WAMMIE) awards, including Best Album, Best Female Vocalist, and Songwriter of the Year. " A superbly wonderful entertainer, Lisa Taylor is a master in the craft of reaching out to everyone in the audience. Her songs are about 'real life' and will touch everyone at some point in the performance. She is truly a pleasure to listen to." Dave Caouette - Stringfellows.

Note: This information was posted to the web site when Lisa Taylor performed at our showcase in June, 1997.