Venus Rising

Picture of Venus Rising

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts! The individuals of this unique trio of women are distinctive in their styles and talents: Susan Waldrip with her uncanny ability for dynamics and arrangement; Margaret Wolfe, a natural with any instrument she lays her hands on; and Nancy Magill , award-winning songwriter and Kerrville New Folk Finalist (replacing Nancy Dougherty in January, 1998). As Venus Rising, they exemplify the best of the contemporary folk music scene - lush harmonies, creative arrangements and a variety of instrumentation. The Washington Area Music Association agreed when they awarded Venus Rising the 1997 "Wammie" for Best New Artist. The group is currently promoting its first album, Venus Rising, and Nancy Magill's solo release, no illusions.

Note: This information was posted to the web site when Venus Rising appeared at our showcase in October, 1997 and November, 1998.